Install Rust programming language

Rust is an open-source systems programming language that focuses on speed, memory safety, and parallelism. Developers use Rust to create a wide range of new software applications, such as game engines, operating systems, file systems, browser components and simulation engines for virtual reality.

It is simple to install Rust on Linux or macOS machine. To install Rust, run the following in your terminal, then follow the onscreen instructions.

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Query Azure Marketplace image URN with PowerShell

A Marketplace image URN in Azure has the following attributes:

  • Publisher - The organization that created the image. Examples: Canonical, MicrosoftWindowsServer
  • Offer - Name of a group of related images created by a publisher. Examples: Ubuntu Server, WindowsServer
  • SKU - An instance of an offer, such as a major release of a distribution. Examples: 18.04-LTS, 2016-Datacenter
  • Version - The version number of an image SKU.

If you are developing or using an application that need to access the Azure Marketplace image, you would need to use image URNs. Following is the steps to indentify an image URN

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Hello World!

This is my very first post to test new blog engine. Let’s check it out…

“Hello World” in different programming languages

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